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31st of October - Happy Halloween! Hello Cubeat!

Happy Halloween, and welcome to our first officially cool update in quite some time. I am going to answer some questions as well as show off our newest reveal! So I hope you enjoy the blog! Have a spooky day!


Cubeat was actually teased ALL the way back in February for Valentines Day. We know the Luvdiscs covering it were a big hit! So finally we have decided to show him off. Although he is just a base form Pokemon, he has a lot of potential and we think you'll love him and his evolutions in Azurite! Check out this video of him, or click here to go to his page to read more!

New Music

We've released two tracks recently that I'm sure you'd love to hear! Kuria Bay is a large body of water found right in the middle of Kuria, with tons of Islands to explore as well as some major locations to visit during the game! These are the songs you will hear as you cruise around looking! You can check them out right here, or head over to our music page for lots of music!

Twitter and Reveals

So a lot of people come in asking about three things: What happened to our Twitter, is this still happening and when is there a demo coming out. So I'm going to address those here and let you know what is up.

Our Twitter was taken down. We're not entirely sure why, though we have our suspicions. But regardless, we are okay with that for now. We have been keeping quiet and working very hard for some time now, and with how volatile the Nintendo fan game scene tends to be we think that is for the best. We're not looking for a lot of attention at the moment, but we do want to keep our fans happy. That's part of my next point.

Yes, this is still happening. As I just said, we're working very hard. We've made more progress in the past year than we probably have since the inception of the project. I'm very proud of our whole team, and when we can finally show off the fruits of our labor I'm very sure it will be worth it. But for now, things are going to stay quiet. Mind you, not as quiet as we have been. As we work closer and closer towards our goal, we're going to be more comfortable with showing new monsters, new areas, or new forms.

There is NO demo coming out at this time. When we do eventually have a release, it's mostly going to be the full game. The story, the postgame, everything else. There probably will be glitches and stuff, even despite heavy internal testing we are aware there will be some issues. But I truly believe that this will be the best path for attention on the game and immersion in the story. There MIGHT be some very special things you'll be able to play with before release, but again, it will not be a demo. And I'm not going to talk more on that until we come to the time when that is ready to be shown off.

To touch back on this, there is no set release date and we likely won't set a release date until we can be confident that it will be done at that time. We are all doing this out of our love and passion for Pokemon, and we do not and will not make any money off of this. This is purely a fan dream for us, as well as a fantastic learning experience for everyone on the team so that we may improve our art, music, programming and over all game making skills. We are aiming to be the best, but just keep in mind we are entirely nonprofit and all have jobs, school, and other obligations that will sometimes occupy our time. This is why its best that we don't push ourselves but instead do our best at a pace we all feel comfortable with.

So I hope you all enjoyed this bit of Halloween fun, and I hope you look forward to future reveals as well as the game itself!


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